Formatting Guidelines

Formatting Guidelines

Papers must be between 4,000 and 6,000 words maximum (25,000 and 35,000 characters), excluding footnotes and bibliographic references. They must be saved in Word format (1997-2003).
Articles must conform to the following formatting standards:
▪Title: Times New Roman, 14, bold.
▪Author (s): Times New Roman, 12, bold; their affiliations (Font size 12: Laboratory (if applicable), university and country.
▪Summary: 100-150 words.
▪ The article must be in Times New Roman style 12, single space, 2.5 cm at the top and bottom of the page, 1.5 cm on the right and 2.5 cm on the left.
▪ The text should also be divided into titles and subtitles numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 1.1, etc.). Titles and numbers must be in bold. Paragraphs must be separated by a single space, without indentation in the first line.
▪ The text must be justified and must not include a hyphen.
▪ Figures, charts, pictures, tables, maps must be numbered in ascending order. Titles and numbers must appear above tables. As for figures, pictures and maps, place titles and numbers below. Do not put a dot at the end of titles and captions.
The list of particular signs (abbreviation, acronym, etc.) must appear before the bibliography.
▪The name of the author, the date of publication and the number of pages must be provided for all citations.
▪ Quotations of less than 40 words should be inserted in the body of the text. Use quotation marks for all quotes and place punctuation marks outside the quotation marks.

▪ Quotations exceeding 40 words should be indented and without quotation marks in relation to the body of the text (4 points left with a space of 6 points at the top and bottom of the quote).
▪ Use font size 11 for footnotes and quotes over 40 words that are not inserted in the body of the text.
▪ Quotations in foreign languages must be translated into the language of the article. Please indicate whether the translation is made by yourself or by another author; if so please provide a complete reference (including page numbers).
▪ If there are examples embedded in the body of the text, they should be italicized.

▪ Insert in-text citations: (author name, date and page number) in the body of the text.

▪ You will find more information about in-text citations and APA formatting style here:

▪ References formatting guide: Please check this link


Articles Submission:
▪ Kindly send your article in Word format, with the author's  full name as the title of the file.

▪ Please submit your article to your account that you have already created on the SciencesConf platform.

▪ Deadline of submitting your articles is 31st October, 2017

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