
To submit your paper, kindly follow these steps:

        Create an account on the platform ScienceConf
        Send the abstract of your article by selecting "Submission"
       Wait for the committee's response
       If you have received notification of acceptance, please send the full paper using the same account sciencesConf, that you created when submitting the abstract. (Warning: do not create a new account).

 Kindly submit your abstract via the online submission:  AND via email:

Abstracts should consist of:

A title and the topic selected

Full name

Institutional affiliation


Phone number

The abstract should not exceed 300 words in length including 5 key words.

A short biography should be included; it should not exceed 6 lines.

You will receive confirmation that your abstract has been received, indicating the abstract number which it has been allocated. Please refer to this abstract number in all correspondence regarding the abstract.

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